Inner Outer Spaces
When challenging organizations and societal systems reflective design is a crucial stakeholder activity. Thereby, it is not only the design of our work and living systems – it is the way, how we experience various dimensions of designs and explicitly can address them when shaping our work and living relationships and systems. The design space is more than a physical construct when understood a dedicated dimension of design. In this way, it allows for cognitive and socio-emotional agitation. It enriches (re-)construction and co-evolution of systems, if not establishing itself as constituent element.
Once individuals perceive space intentionally, it becomes tangible and thus, needs to be considered as an active design element, underpinning co-evolvement. Conveying openness and creating collective novelties requires experiencing and populating space at the same time. This COS issue is dedicated to encompassing space and its capacity building capabilities, both from an inner (i.e. individual) and outer (i.e. co-evolving) perspective. We are particularly interested in fundamental processes to explore spaces and in engaging interactions in shared spaces.
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Contributions to the resulting variety of topics are welcome, among them
• Space? What for? Gracefulness or craziness?
• Vita activa and flow in space
• Architecting space
• Stimulating space and vitality
• Creating and designing space
• The here and now, and space
• Role understanding in relationship spaces
• Acting in space, commitment, and responsibility
• Distance, taking space, giving space
• Space entitling for individual and collective growth
• Emergence and co-evolving space
• New relations and growth of space
• BBB – Space Beneath, Between, and Beyond
• Space between stimulus and response
• Addicted to space as designer
• Federation of systems as SoS (System-of-Systems) space
We invite you to design a paper, and create space for something new.
Target group authors
We are looking for contributors who recognize the potential of space as dimensional enrichment when challenging organizations and society, and like to approach this construct and its inner/outer duality from a theoretical, discipline-specific, or practical perspective. More specifically, we ask for studies transforming insights from inner to outer spaces and vice versa, either stemming from a managing, consulting, or scientific practice and discipline background. We assume innovation management, fields of social intervention, work design, learning sciences, organizational development, and system engineering providing informed grounds for the studies to be submitted.
Target group readers
Persons involved in dynamic capacity building, innovation management, organizational learning and development, are addressed by the contributions. The topic is fundamental to a variety of system development approaches and schools of thought. All readers interested in fundamental enrichment of action and design spaces will find interfaces to their conception/acting as reflective hybrid, and starting points for deeper thought and analysis.