AI and Brain Sciences

What does AI’s success playing complex board games tell brain scientists?

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Can AI keep Humans in the Loop?

Can a procedure for a human domain expert to look at the inner workings of an AI model help?

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Thinking fast or slow?

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Does music help for reading skill development?

Think about it –

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Objective Reality?

A recent experiment – see

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Alexa managing knowledge?

Keeping the human in the loop –

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Artificial Intelligence: what are the impacts on our society

Panel addressed the question of how Artificial Intelligence will affect European jobs –

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Goal Setting and Self Discipline

Choosing goals that express the true self

A novel mechanism of the effect of self‐control on goal attainment has been published by Olga Stavrova, Tila Pronk and Michail Kokkoris

Why is trait self‐control associated with successful goal progress? Three studies showed that high (vs. low) self‐control individuals are more likely to report successful goal attainment and this association was mediated by their tendency to select the goals that reflect their true/authentic self.

Look at:

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What if we could redesign everything?

Welcome to the Disruptive Innovation Festival

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Next Generation Robotics

Catch up at: Robotics Update

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